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Sunday, April 13, 2008

125 exchange

hello everyone, today Im going to tell you about a new traffic exchange I found and is very useful..It's called 125 exchange this exchange has the same idea of spottt and ads flip with a twist.125 exchange lets you create 3 different ads to find out which one does the best then you can work with the one that does the best.you have alot of variety to choose from from what type of catagory you want to advertise in to what catagories advertise on your blog.And to start out with 125 exchange will give you 5000 impressions to get you going,thats a pretty good start.From there on you will get points for every time you show an ad on your blog..All in all this is a very useful exchange and I'll give it a 9 out of 10.ty Mike Brown ps click here to sign up

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Congratulations on the new twins, Braydan and Brayah, you must be absolutely thrilled.

Thanks for including 125Exchange.com in your list of prestigious internet traffic sources. Most of these companies are our friends. You may have noticed from our website that we are users of many of their traffic services so we know the benefits of each. However, we do things quite different than most of the others.

I will try to keep this short, but I can already tell that it is going to be lengthy. You sort of have me in a difficult position, and that will take some explaining.

You are holding me responsible for the results of the advertising campaign, because you will be letting your readers know the outcome. But, you aren't giving me control of how we handle the campaign. I wish it was so easy that you could upload a few ads with the Exchange, or any of the other services for that matter, and the customers and sales would flock in. If that could happen, I would probably go to Apple computer and charge them maybe $5 Million per year for this instant business magic, but it takes a little more effort to get desirable results.

Can we conduct a little experiment before we get started? ... I think that was a yes? Let's go to the Campaign section of Entrecard and sort all the ads first by Cheapest, and then by Most Expensive. Toggle back and forth to see the difference in the ad quality. I just did, and the difference is night and day. It makes you wonder about the chicken or the egg theory - Did the advertiser that gets the highest prices go get great ads because they had some ad revenue coming in, or did they get the great ads first, and then the ads helped them come into demand which made them expensive?

I can tell you first hand about our own ad. Our former ad was doing OK and it was clicked 0.80% of the times that is was displayed. We have a goal of 1.00% click-thru so we experimented with a few ads. Then we had a professional make our new ad, the red apple that you may see, and on the first day the click-thru shot up to over 4.00% and it has remained over 4.00% for the last two months. Nothing else changed except the ad.

The point with all of this is, if a blogger is just having fun with their blog then anything is OK. But, if you really do want more traffic, we can get it for you but it may require some experimenting and a few dollars to get a good ad. Remember, we display your ad around the world and that little ad has to really do it's job, or nobody will click it. We call good ads magnetic ads, and there it something about them that makes people click. Just think about what ads do you click? Probably something about the ad painted a picture and you wanted to see more.

At 125 exchange you can upload three different ads and we certainly encourage the Exchange users to do so. You won't believe how many times users tell us that one ad is performing three times better than a different ad. So, we suggest that they remove the low performing ad then try another ad to see if it can outperform the best ad. After you do some ad experimenting you should get better than 1.00% click-thru ratio and then you are done. Ads don't get better or worse. They are what they are. Once you get an ad that works you almost never have to think about the Exchange again. Just enjoy the consistent flow of new visitors to your blog.

But, there is more. The wrong traffic just bounces off your website, and we are looking for related traffic that may stay and become repeat readers. The first step in this process is the blog must deliver what the ad promises. So, an ad that gets clicks accomplishes part of the mission, but if the ad implies "funny" and the blog delivers "technical" the visitor doesn't stay. The person wanting funny didn't get it and the person wanting technical didn't even click the ad because it didn't portray technical. Everyone loses, and our goal is to help you win. The right ad will flow into the blog content and the reader gets what they expected. Mission accomplished.

Studies indicate that we have 12 seconds to keep a person at a blog once we get them there. In that 12 seconds, people form an opinion to stay or if they are not interested. Things that work against bloggers in this 12 seconds are clutter, slow loading, pop-overs and pop-unders (we have to talk about this one Mike because pops don't fit well with bloggers), colors, and most important too many ads. With too many ads the reader interpolates that this blog is for the benefit of the blog owner trying to make some money. That is not why the reader came to the blog. In the 12 seconds, the reader is trying to determine if there is something there for them, not the blog owner. So the landing page has to quickly tell the bogger what is in it for them.

Here comes the difficult part. When we display an ad on someone's blog we are penetrating their space. Therefore, we read every blog, and three people here look at every ad to try to determine if the blog owner will be OK with seeing this ad, in their space, on their blog. Sometimes, we have to refuse a new user that won't blend with other users. If we are talking about a blog in the personal diary category then those standards can come down a little because it is a personal category. But, if someone wants to register in the Business and Commerce category with a get rich quick scheme, that won't blend with the other mainstream business blogs, and they don't want those ads on their blog.

I understand that you are from Akron, OH. The first half of my life was in Steubenville, OH and I still have a lot of family there. In thinking about this experiment of yours, I am not sure the final results will be a fair indication for us or any of the others. So, I figured to just lay all of this out, one Ohio boy to another, and express the concerns. I know we would fair well with a level playing field, but there are too many uncontrollables. Not just to us, but to the others also. Are you catching their best, or worse, or middle of the road.

Maybe, we should just all invite a guest poster to explain each service from an experienced point of view. Someone that has worked each system long enough to get its full potential. Then the flavor would be what is the max that could be expected from each traffic service in the hands of an experienced user.

Sorry to go on so long. I look forward to your comments. Thanks again.
