Monday, March 31, 2008
Traffic Jam
ok everyone get ready to feel to rush of traffic in my new site traffic jam...Its at .On this site I've made it easier to go to entrecard,sitehoppin,mob hits,link referral,and adbrite all the best traffic exchanges and pay sites are all in one site..check it out!tBrown
info on traffic,
link exchange,
traffic exchange,
traffic link,
website submission
Friday, March 28, 2008
Traffic Jam
Hello everyone,as you know I havn't posted in a week.Reason being is that I,m working on a new website called traffic jam.If anyone wants to check it out so far the web address is its in the works and it will be a new and easy way to collect entrecard credits.I will have a widget for all the best traffic sites on it and they will be fixed up to get maximum credits on the exchange sites...Sooo if you want check it out and give me some feed back on what you think and any hanges or any features you would like put on it..And if you want a widget of your site on traffic jam I will charge 500 entrecard credits and you will have a widget and your own page of your site on traffic jam.It doesnt have to be a traffic site..Mike Brown
info on traffic,
link exchange,
traffic exchange,
traffic link,
web points,
website submission
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Blog Rush
Hey Temple Of Traffic readers I just found a new traffic exchange program called Blog Rush.Understanding how BlogRush works isn’t difficult, although it can be a little confusing initially. Blogrush utilizes a viral concept which operates via a pyramid-style, multi level structure. This simply means that you get more traffic when you refer more people (who in turn refer others) to sign up and use Blogrush.
I would recommend taking a look at BlogRush’s video introduction on the home page to get an good feel of how their network functions. For those of you, who would prefer to read, here’s how Blogrush works:
1. Sign up for a free account and register your blog by submitting your blog feed and picking a category. Place the widget on your blog and 5 links to other relevant blogs will show up within the widget (see my sidebar for an example).
2. Earn one credit whenever a page on your blog loads: this means that your latest post will be shown 1 time on other blogs with the widget. For example if your blog has 100 pageviews, your latest post will be displayed 100 times within the widgets on other blogs.
3. Refer others to sign up and install the widget. The number of pageviews your referee gets will be added to the number of times your blog titles will be shown within other blog widgets. For example, Tom signs up under your referral link and his blog has 500 page views.
This means that your blog title will be shown 500 times on blogs within your category, in addition to the number of views you are already getting for displaying the widget on your own site. This goes on for 10 referral levels.
I would recommend taking a look at BlogRush’s video introduction on the home page to get an good feel of how their network functions. For those of you, who would prefer to read, here’s how Blogrush works:
1. Sign up for a free account and register your blog by submitting your blog feed and picking a category. Place the widget on your blog and 5 links to other relevant blogs will show up within the widget (see my sidebar for an example).
2. Earn one credit whenever a page on your blog loads: this means that your latest post will be shown 1 time on other blogs with the widget. For example if your blog has 100 pageviews, your latest post will be displayed 100 times within the widgets on other blogs.
3. Refer others to sign up and install the widget. The number of pageviews your referee gets will be added to the number of times your blog titles will be shown within other blog widgets. For example, Tom signs up under your referral link and his blog has 500 page views.
This means that your blog title will be shown 500 times on blogs within your category, in addition to the number of views you are already getting for displaying the widget on your own site. This goes on for 10 referral levels.
What is a Traffic exchange?
For all you people out there that dont know what a traffic exchange is I'm going to explain them on how they work, and the advantages, and disadvantages.First of all a traffic exchange is a system built to get people to visit your site.Now one thing about them is most of the exchanges you have to put in work in order for you to recieve traffic which is sometimes referred to as (hits,points,webhits,internethits,link exchange) and so on.If you dont get traffic then your site will be lonely out there in this world of websites.One advantage of traffic exchanges is if you just built a site and you want to get known then you can sign up for Entrecard which is an internet business card you visit other peoples site and drop your business card off on them and most of the time they will check your site out and drop their card off to its kinda like you look at mine and I'll look at yours and the benefit for that is if they like your site they will tell people about it or recommend you or refer you to other people.A disadvantage is some people dont have time to go and visit other sites so on some exchanges if you dont put in any effort then you most of the time wont get seen.But on that note there are exchanges like spottt and ads flip were you sign up and put up a pic of your site and every one time your site gets viewed you get a point and those points add up eventually but they use them points to show your site on other peoples site.Which on spottt its 125 x 125 in size and the code is placed on your sidebar were people can click on the 125 x 125 card and it will take them to your site.So all in all you dont have to put in any effort to be seen.Another site which I think is pretty cool is Site Hoppin.At Site Hoppin you get what they call beer credits which you recieve by viewing other blogs and rating each blog out of a scale of 1-5.I think you get 5 credits for rating each site.Site Hoppin is a browser within a browser so you visit each site with ease by clicking one button on the top left corner of the page.You can easily visit 100 sites in like a half hour or hour.Ok well I hope this post has helped explain traffic exchanges to the people who didnt know about them.If you have any comments about this or questions about traffic exchanges please feel free to type it under this post were it says comment....Thank you you fellow Blogepreneur Mike Brown
info on traffic,
link exchange,
traffic exchange,
traffic link,
web hits,
web points
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Easy Money
Hello everyone today Im going to talk about a site that makes you easy money.Its called its at the top of the page in my list of sites if you want to go is a free money making site in which I look at sites and get paid for each one and every person who signs up under you which is called an affilliate pays you a percentage for every site they look at..All in all I have gotten paid 5.00 dollars so far.which isnt much but every cent counts and the more people you get to sign up under you the more you get.So Im refering all my readers to please atleast check it out allyou have to do is sign up with the link at the top of the pade thank you mike brown!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Making money selling cable!! Dish network
Hello everyone, I want you to know that I got my first sale today for being a dish network tv affilliate..They send you a check every 15 and 28 of the month.You can make 110 dollars for every sale for cable you make on your affilliate site.They actually give you a site with your name on it and you can then submit it to web directories,local newspapers, or yellow pages with your affilliate number you also get paid for a downline to.Downline meaning every person that signs up for affilliate program under your id number (can be friends and family also) you get paid 15 dollars for every cable sale they make..I mean shit I always know someone whos wants to order cable and all I have to do is tell them my website address and after they get hooked up(meaning right after the sale is made) you get paid 110 to me thats cash,shit if I just get 3 people a week thats what I make at my 10 dollar an hour job getting paid weekly..Also direct tv gives you banners and website tools to use.Oh yeah check this out they even give you door hangers and flyers with your affilliate number on it so you can get your comission then you print out as many as you want and they have business cards..Lastly you can buy if you want (you dont have to) but if you want you can buy a good sounding .com that they already bought,like direct cable,or direct tv or something like that well If your interested please register under my banner ad on my page so I gan get credit for referring..Dont worry everything you sell you get the commision and everyone you get to sign under your name youll get that comission to so dont worry .I got 110 dollar check in the mail today because My sister needed cable so I had her sign up under my website and after her sale they sent me a check..They dont take taxes out either so youll have to do that at the end of the year if you make over 600 dollars.But anyways I thought It was a good idea to post this and tell the world cause if you can actually get your afilliate site out in the directories you could actually get rich.....Mike Brown ps leave a comment if you are going to sign up for this or if you need cable!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
One month running and still going strong!!

Well everyone It's been one whole month and my blog Temple Of Traffic is doing better than all of my blogs so far...Temple of traffic has gotten 350 hits just in this last week...Im going to tell you what I did so Maybe just maybe someone out there can tell me how to get even more or if I'm doing the right thing or I can help one of my daily readers which I know I have some of those because everytime I check my Entrecard drops I have about 5 to 6 people a day visiting my blog 3,4, and five times so I know I have some useful traffic exchanges for all you bloggers out there.Do you guys know that last week my entrecard price was 12 entrecards to advertise on my blog .....Now It,s 72 entrecards to advertise on my blog....pretty good in a week huh? Well anyway First things first I dropped all this week 300 a day which that helped me about 75 % of entrecard traffic...Then I buy all the one hour advertising that I can at One time yesterday I had almost 25 ads running at one time...Have any of you guys ever done that if you have let me know how many all together you guys have bought at once...Then I'll know if that is a proven strategy..Ok well after trying the lowest entrecards to advertise within an hour I tried buying the most expensive ones ..Now really If you buy a good blog to advertise on you will get more hits than ever...I bought an ad space for 150 ecs and got 37 clicks which was outstanding then I said fuck it and bought one for 450 ecs and got 52 hits so I would say that If you choose from the right catagory that matches your blog and one that costs a little more than your used to spending on a blog You will probably get all the hits in the world,,Ok well I hope this helped someone out there in the blogosphere? If it did please leave a comment or if it didnt and you have a better strategy then leave a comment and tell me all about it I will appreciate it thank you mike brown
Saturday, March 1, 2008
website submission

I will submit your site to over 300 search engines if you put a link on your website to mine...All you have to do is leave your website address and an e-mail address in my comment button right under this text and once I confirm that I have a link on your site I will submit your site with my website submission tool which submits to over 300 search engines.I will then e-mail you letting you know when Im finished...thank you Mike Brown
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