Well everyone It's been one whole month and my blog Temple Of Traffic is doing better than all of my blogs so far...Temple of traffic has gotten 350 hits just in this last week...Im going to tell you what I did so Maybe just maybe someone out there can tell me how to get even more or if I'm doing the right thing or I can help one of my daily readers which I know I have some of those because everytime I check my Entrecard drops I have about 5 to 6 people a day visiting my blog 3,4, and five times so I know I have some useful traffic exchanges for all you bloggers out there.Do you guys know that last week my entrecard price was 12 entrecards to advertise on my blog .....Now It,s 72 entrecards to advertise on my blog....pretty good in a week huh? Well anyway First things first I dropped all this week 300 a day which that helped me about 75 % of entrecard traffic...Then I buy all the one hour advertising that I can at One time yesterday I had almost 25 ads running at one time...Have any of you guys ever done that if you have let me know how many all together you guys have bought at once...Then I'll know if that is a proven strategy..Ok well after trying the lowest entrecards to advertise within an hour I tried buying the most expensive ones ..Now really If you buy a good blog to advertise on you will get more hits than ever...I bought an ad space for 150 ecs and got 37 clicks which was outstanding then I said fuck it and bought one for 450 ecs and got 52 hits so I would say that If you choose from the right catagory that matches your blog and one that costs a little more than your used to spending on a blog You will probably get all the hits in the world,,Ok well I hope this helped someone out there in the blogosphere? If it did please leave a comment or if it didnt and you have a better strategy then leave a comment and tell me all about it I will appreciate it thank you mike brown http://templeoftraffic.blogspot.com
1 comment:
you're rite, buying more expensive ad space will give u better return which translate to cheaper cost per click.
when i started entrecard in my site http://myphilippinetravel.com, i didnt have enough credits so i bought the cheap once, and yeilded only afew clicks. as i accumulate more credits, i bought more expensive ad space and i got more traffic. in the end, you spend less effort advertising and spend less credit per traffic you brought to your site.
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