For all you people out there that dont know what a traffic exchange is I'm going to explain them on how they work, and the advantages, and disadvantages.First of all a traffic exchange is a system built to get people to visit your site.Now one thing about them is most of the exchanges you have to put in work in order for you to recieve traffic which is sometimes referred to as (hits,points,webhits,internethits,link exchange) and so on.If you dont get traffic then your site will be lonely out there in this world of websites.One advantage of traffic exchanges is if you just built a site and you want to get known then you can sign up for Entrecard which is an internet business card you visit other peoples site and drop your business card off on them and most of the time they will check your site out and drop their card off to you.so its kinda like you look at mine and I'll look at yours and the benefit for that is if they like your site they will tell people about it or recommend you or refer you to other people.A disadvantage is some people dont have time to go and visit other sites so on some exchanges if you dont put in any effort then you most of the time wont get seen.But on that note there are exchanges like spottt and ads flip were you sign up and put up a pic of your site and every one time your site gets viewed you get a point and those points add up eventually but they use them points to show your site on other peoples site.Which on spottt its 125 x 125 in size and the code is placed on your sidebar were people can click on the 125 x 125 card and it will take them to your site.So all in all you dont have to put in any effort to be seen.Another site which I think is pretty cool is Site Hoppin.At Site Hoppin you get what they call beer credits which you recieve by viewing other blogs and rating each blog out of a scale of 1-5.I think you get 5 credits for rating each site.Site Hoppin is a browser within a browser so you visit each site with ease by clicking one button on the top left corner of the page.You can easily visit 100 sites in like a half hour or hour.Ok well I hope this post has helped explain traffic exchanges to the people who didnt know about them.If you have any comments about this or questions about traffic exchanges please feel free to type it under this post were it says comment....Thank you you fellow Blogepreneur Mike Brown
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