Hello everyone, I want you to know that I got my first sale today for being a dish network tv affilliate..They send you a check every 15 and 28 of the month.You can make 110 dollars for every sale for cable you make on your affilliate site.They actually give you a site with your name on it and you can then submit it to web directories,local newspapers, or yellow pages with your affilliate number you also get paid for a downline to.Downline meaning every person that signs up for affilliate program under your id number (can be friends and family also) you get paid 15 dollars for every cable sale they make..I mean shit I always know someone whos wants to order cable and all I have to do is tell them my website address and after they get hooked up(meaning right after the sale is made) you get paid 110 dollars...now to me thats cash,shit if I just get 3 people a week thats what I make at my 10 dollar an hour job getting paid weekly..Also direct tv gives you banners and website tools to use.Oh yeah check this out they even give you door hangers and flyers with your affilliate number on it so you can get your comission then you print out as many as you want and they have business cards..Lastly you can buy if you want (you dont have to) but if you want you can buy a good sounding .com that they already bought,like direct cable,or direct tv cable.com or something like that well If your interested please register under my banner ad on my page so I gan get credit for referring..Dont worry everything you sell you get the commision and everyone you get to sign under your name youll get that comission to so dont worry .I got 110 dollar check in the mail today because My sister needed cable so I had her sign up under my website and after her sale they sent me a check..They dont take taxes out either so youll have to do that at the end of the year if you make over 600 dollars.But anyways I thought It was a good idea to post this and tell the world cause if you can actually get your afilliate site out in the directories you could actually get rich.....Mike Brown ps leave a comment if you are going to sign up for this or if you need cable!!
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